I always return home from these trips with joy and gratitude that I have such a wonderful house, an amazing husband, and two little dogs to welcome me back. I generally think some version of 'I am just all traveled out, and I won't want to go anywhere for months.'
This feeling typically lasts a few weeks, and then I get the itch to go again. It's about that time already, and I have been thinking of Italy, because I always do, but also of the UK - England, Scotland, Ireland. Perhaps because I was in England last year, maybe because I've been reading historical fiction set in England, or it might be because I have friends in Ireland, Scotland, and England who post on their Facebook pages about their normal lives which to me sound exotic and exciting.
I love that daily life there is exotic for me to think about. I love that the Big Eye is, for me, a sight that brings me joy, when people there either don't like it much or don't care. And I love that 'Oxford' sounds so stuffy and proper, and yet I know better, having been there.
Travel allows us to experience the exotic, and to tame it, to make it part of who we are. And rather than that having the effect of making the exotic familiar, it makes our familiar lives far more exotic.
Can't wait to get back on the road!